Daily Archives: September 22nd, 2011

How to Build a Slot Car Track From Scratch With Copper Tape

If you’ve ever wished you could create your own straightaways and curves instead of relying on commercial slot car tracks, build your own track from scratch. You can customize your track and configure it in any way you wish. You need only a few basic woodworking skills to build your own slot car track with copper tape, and you’ll be racing on a customized track in no time.
Draw the basic shape of your track onto your board or boards with a pencil. Plan out each lane, leaving enough space between them so that the cars won’t crash into each other. Mark out3 mm wide slots to fit your cars properly.
From: http://www.cpd-cpd.com/Metal-evaporation-materials/Copper-particle/

How to Avoid Casein

Casein is a milk protein that is found naturally in dairy products and as an additive in many other food items. People avoid casein for a variety of reasons. It is an allergic trigger for many folks. Vegans avoid casein to remove all animal products from their diets. Some medical studies show a link between casein and autism symptoms, causing many parents to try a casein-free diet for their autistic children, according to Healing Thresholds:Connecting Community and Science to Heal Autism.
In restaurants, tell your waiter or waitress that you have a food allergy and cannot have any dairy products. Restaurants often finish steaks with a pat of butter, or toss it with steamed vegetables where it is invisible at the table.